The River road kitchen presents…
Yummies and pressies…
Just for you.
Cake ? Who said that?
Are you excited ?
You should be!
From March 2023 , you will be able to buy a limited selection of our divinely scrumptious pies, breads and unique cakes right here.
We will have a few permanent favourites that you cant be with out and a few changing specials to keep you on your toes!
Our special cups and plates will soon be available as well along with a few other yummy surprises!

Food Mercantile at The River Road Kitchen
Keep checking back or watch out on our Facebook for updates when we launch our products.
Contact Michelle
I know you love food, thats why you are here
You are in the right place.
There is no ordinary here.
Eye rollingly good food, excitingly food centric adventures, fun workshops, private lessons, bespoke catering and PIZZA!
We are obsessed with food, are you?